Avicularia Versicolour AKA Antilles Pink Toe

Now this one is a beauty, native to the northern region of South America and the island of Martinique, it is a brilliant first time arboreal who is rather friendly and shows beautiful colours and changes throughout its lifetime.

I have only recently got mine as a sling at about 1cm. As a young sling they are an electric neon turquoise colour. They are a bit fussy on the maintenance side as humidity must be high, along with a tall enclosure, not so much substrate but a lot of ventilation to boot. Getting the combination of all those elements can be difficult but worth it for this species.

My Versicolour is proving difficult to feed but I’m sure it’ll be fine once settled in.
This was her on her first day with me.
First day home

Sunday March 2nd 2014
Turns out she was just in pre-moult straight from the supplier, (awesome) Just moulted last night and that blue is starting to gleam!time to fatten her up!
1st molt

Monday 14th April 201

I love feeding this girl, arboreals are seriously entertaining to watch hunt! Easily my favourite type of T’s

Monday 2nd June 2014

Been a while since I put a post up, but not much has changed other than she molted only recently about 3 weeks ago early May. Always hungry! After the juvenile OBT this is definitely the most fun to watch feed. She’s now probably about 1″ in leg span. Words really can’t describe that turquoise metallic iridescence.


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